Hair problems…

May 17, 2021

Hair has always been more than a hairstyle. To this day, it is not uncommon to do so a political statement about the haircut or hair color. Just like a businessman or politicians take pride in the most modern haircuts and musicians with their falling manes as well footballers often cause as much sensation with their latest hairstyle as with their sports achievements. No wonder then that hair loss is a nightmare for all sufferers. And yet, men without hair are considered sexy – provided that the bald head is well maintained.


Hair loss

Fragile and brittle hair

Premature graying


Hair loss

Hair loss – what is it?

An adult has about 100,000 hairs on his head. There is also talk of hair on the head or hair on scalp. In addition to the hair on the scalp, there are also hairs on the body. As for the loss of hair, in most cases refers to the visible hair loss on the head. It is normal to do every day 50 to 100 hairs fall out. How much hair you actually have depends on your maintenance habits. If the hair is washes and combs every day, approximately the same amount of hair will fall out every day. If the hair is washes irregularly, less hair will fall out on days without washing the hair and accordingly more in days with hair washing. If the number of hair loss increases, hair loss usually occurs notices on the brush or comb.

How do I know if I have hair loss?

Please do not panic. Hair caught in the comb or brush during combing, is completely normal. Hair counting is also not recommended. Fluctuations can arise, but would only be alarming. If in doubt, it is worth seeking a third-party advice. But please don’t ask your relatives or even your partner. What will he say? “I think so you have hair loss, darling”. Your partner would probably never be interested in you.

There are two questions that need to be answered:


Does it reduce the visible density of the hair (effluvium)? Then the experts talk about visible hair loss (Alopecia), hair removal.


Hair loss is noticeable based on the number of hairs, but the density of the hair does not decrease visible? Then there is probably an increased hair change. The hair growth phase is shorter. Hair falls out faster, but other than that, everything is fine.


In general, you should consult a doctor if you suspect that you suffer from hair loss. Probably the doctor can help you faster if you have already thought about the following points. A wide variety of influences can lead to convergence of the phases of hair growth. In this case, doctors talk about “synchronizing the phases of hair growth “follicles”. Simply put, significantly more hair than usual goes into transition almost at the same time and accordingly falls two to three months later – this is nothing more than hair loss. It is interesting to talk to your doctor if it has happened in the last few months one of the following:

  • Hormonal change
    • Puberty
    • Changing the method of (hormonal) contraception
    • Birth
    • Menopause
  • Medicine intake
    For example, for the treatment of vascular diseases
  • Phases of extreme, emotional stress
  • Crash diets
  • High temperature
  • Seasonal change – “coat change”

occurs in some people in spring and autumn – in this case just wait, hair loss is temporary.

If there is increased hair loss for several months (in medicine it is about 6 months), none of the listed points is the cause. Then it is chronic hair loss. Then your doctor is most likely to diagnose “chronic alopecia”. It is and the first contact point for further treatment. Because every reason should be identified by a professional and ultimately requires individual treatment. Unlike the exact causes, the following possible causes of hair loss are:

Long-term use of drugs with side effects of hair loss, examples:

  • Allopurinol
  • Beta-blockers
  • Methylphenidate
  • Fibrates
  • Phenprocoumon
  • Retinoids
  • Statins
  • Tamoxifen
  • Valproic acid

Major diseases:

  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Fungal diseases of the scalp
  • HIV
  • Syphilis
  • Iron deficiency (in women)


In both men and women, hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) is the most common. In general, this is about 95% of all cases hair loss of this nature. Androgenetic alopecia means something like “hair loss due to male hormones”. It is based on genetically determined hypersensitivity to dihydrotestosterone, an intermediate product of the metabolic process with testosterone.

The first signs of this appear between the ages of 30 and 40. It usually starts at men with a receding hairline. There are several options for women:

  • The front line of the hair is retained and behind it there is a diffuse thinning of the hair.
  • The so-called “Christmas tree model” is created. The density of hair above the forehead is reduced, passes along the parting and narrows to the back of the head.
  • The (frontal) line of hair moves backwards, similar to that of a man.

The following applies to all forms: if left untreated, hair loss will progress continuously. When they reach the age of 70, 80% of men and 40% of women are affected. This phenomenon usually appears first at the end of the life cycle.





For this reason, it is advisable for the affected person to change their diet so that they regulate your household with foods rich in zinc. This means that it provides its menu with variety food. People who suffer from hair loss and do not eat sausages or meat should use animal products. Foods high in zinc include liver, shrimp and oysters, as well as turkey and firm cheese. Dairy products also contain a relatively high proportion of zinc. Recommended foods are also sunflower seeds, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts, as well as corn and whole grains bread. If the affected person changes their diet, severe hair loss often disappears. This means, that the body again has enough zinc. However, a blood test is recommended. This gives the affected the certainty that they are no longer zinc deficient. If zinc deficiency persists despite all efforts, zinc supplements from pharmacies or drugstores can help. These preparations ensure that zinc deficiency covers. However, the dose of 10 to 15 milligrams of zinc – per day – should not be exceeds. An overdose can even lead to zinc poisoning.

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Zinc is one of the most important trace elements in humans. Occurs in all body tissues and body fluids. Zinc is especially concentrated in the hair, among other things.

Cell division for hair growth does not work if there is no zinc or there is very little zinc. In fact, hair has a significant need for the mineral zinc. Zinc is involved in the formation of creatine and collagen, the components of hair. Collagen forms the connective tissue that attaches hair to the skin. It is also important for the whole structure of the hair. Hence the regular and above all, adequate zinc intake is important for healthy growth and related hair resistance.


Zinc deficiency is seen painfully on the hair. Usually, the hair roots are enriched with zinc, as a component of structural protein, zinc helps to restore hair. Zinc deficiency makes hair thin. If the hair becomes brittle and fragile, this initially is an indication of a minor deficiency. If the time has come, something needs to be done urgently zinc deficiency. The trace element cannot be stored in the body, so it must be taken regularly with food.


According to studies by the WHO (World Health Organization), almost half of people do not consume enough zinc. The reason is the modern diet, which is often very highly processed and therefore it does not provide enough trace elements. A healthy adult needs an average of 15 mg per day.


A one-sided or poor diet (including a vegetarian diet) has been shown to cause zinc deficiency. By changing your diet and creating a balanced and healthy diet, everyone can ensure that the body is supplied with enough zinc every day. Good sources of zinc are beef or poultry liver, fish, offal, oysters and shrimps, milk, cheese and egg yolks, legumes, corn, oats and nuts.

Zinc is one of the most important trace elements in humans. Occurs in all body tissues and body fluids. Zinc is especially concentrated in the hair, among other things.


 Regular and above all sufficient zinc intake is important for healthy growth and hair resistance.

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Getting gray hair is part of the natural process of maturity and aging. Not all gray hair however, they can only be classified as advancing years. If this phenomenon occurs relatively early in life or in exacerbation of a disease, symptoms of deficiency are possible. Too little zinc can turn hair gray.


It is noteworthy that the sudden colorlessness practically never affects only a part of hair. Suddenly there is brightness along the entire length, which can reach brilliant white. The structure becomes significantly more fragile. When the hair is short and gray, it attracts attention because of its color and it looks firmer and a little denser.

 The reason for this is that when the hair turns gray, it does not lose its color, but radically changes the structure. The air penetrates the thick strand of hair and turns it into a small tube. As a result of this hair now looks translucent. The original color is still preserved in gray hair, but the effect of the tube only hints at it. The better the supply of micronutrients such as zinc, the longer the hair structure can be preserved.


Over time, the hair just turns gray. Undoubtedly: gray hair is a natural companion of aging. However, this mostly undesirable phenomenon often has a number of other causes. They are one of them symptoms of physical deficiency. If the hair does not receive enough vitamins and minerals – especially zinc – soon it can no longer maintain the stress on the dense structure, which makes the color shine. The air penetrates – and again there is another gray hair on his head. Then no going back. Therefore, precautions are crucial to avoid hair bleaching as long as possible.



Our body has to absorb zinc with food because it cannot produce it on its own. We can’t we store this element, so it is extremely important to ensure regular intake of zinc. Zinc deficiency can adversely affect the health of hair, skin and nails. Not only is premature graying a possible consequence, hair can even begin to falls. Hair analysis can show if there is enough zinc in its structure. If there is a deficit, it makes sense to take swift steps to counteraction. There are a number of foods that are relatively high in zinc. Zinc is offers both as a medicinal product and as a food supplement. Hair that is already gray can regain its color only by artificial means. However, timely prevention makes it possible supplying the hair with all the necessary substances so that it remains healthy and vibrant as long as possible.


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